Vanderhoef Properties, LLC

Appeal to the Buyers’ Senses

Staging your home can make a significant impact on your bottom line. In fact, some studies have shown that staged homes sell for as much as 10% more than un-staged homes. The best results of staging are found when you are able to make the home appeal to almost all of the senses – sight, smell, touch and sound, so consider all the senses when staging your home to attract buyers.

Sight. The majority of home buyers search for homes on the internet prior to deciding which homes to view in person. By improving the visual appeal of your home, its pictures will stand out to buyers and leave them interested in scheduling a showing. In addition, when buyers come through your home, they will remember its cleanliness and will be able to use your furniture layout to visualize the placement of their furniture. This tends to be a very important part in the process of choosing a new home. Here are some suggestions on how to improve the looks of your home:

Smell. The sense of smell is the most prominent sense for memory retention. For this reason, you will want to make sure that your home smells its absolute best when potential buyers are touring it. If you are wondering how to make your home smell better, try some of these tips:

Sound. There is some debate as to how much sound affects a potential buyer’s choice to purchase a home. If a built-in sound system is being sold with the house, it may be useful to highlight the system by having some soft music playing. Here are some other ways to improve the sound of your home:

Touch. Making your home feel good can push potential buyers to write an offer on it. In many cases, the easiest way to do this is by making sure that the whole house is cool in the summer and warm in the winter. This is especially true of second and third floor living spaces, which have a tendency to be warm in the summer and cool in the winter. Try some of these ideas to make your home feel better to the potential buyers: